64. Poor Capitalist, Rich Socialist:

Doctorjee was singularly disinterested in idle empty arguments. His way was to pose only a few questions, which went straight to the heart of the listener.

One day, a labor leader from Nagpur was forcing Doctorjee to attend a speech by a famous socialist leader, Mr. Saklatwalla. Doctorjee willingly agreed to go at first. Then the local leaders brought out receipt books demanding an admission fee of five rupees (a sum that could support a family of four for four weeks in India of 1932). This was a surprise to Doctorjee. He quipped, jokingly: "Sir, I am certainly not a rich laborer like you, who can afford to pay such a big sum to attend this speech. Please forgive me, I cannot attend. I am but a dirt-poor capitalist whereas you are a rich Socialist!"


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